
Showing 9,681-9,700 of 16,356 items.

Crafting Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for Patent Assertion Entities, Litigation, and Innovation

By Josh Feng and Xavier Jaravel

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2020

We show that examiner-driven variation in patent rights leads to quantitatively large impacts on several patent outcomes, including patent value, citations, and litigation. Notably, Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) overwhelmingly purchase patents granted ...

Dynamic Noisy Signaling

By Sander Heinsalu

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2018

This article studies costly signaling. The signaling effort is chosen in multiple periods and observed with noise. The signaler benefits from the belief of the market, not directly from the effort or the signal. Optimal signaling behavior in time-varying ...

Trading across Borders in Online Auctions

By Elena Krasnokutskaya, Christian Terwiesch, and Lucia Tiererova

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2018

We invoke the insights from the auction literature to study trade in services using data from an online market for programming support. We find that the observed clustering of trade between countries can be rationalized through a model featuring endogenou...

Noisy Memory and Over-Reaction to News

By Rava Azeredo da Silveira and Michael Woodford

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2019

We propose a model of optimal decision-making subject to a memory constraint. The constraint is a limit on the complexity of memory measured using Shannon's mutual information, as in models of rational inattention. We show that the model implies that both...

Empirical Bayes Estimation of Treatment Effects with Many A/B Tests: An Overview

By Eduardo M. Azevedo, Alex Deng, José L. Montiel Olea, and E. Glen Weyl

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2019

The use of large-scale experimentation to screen product innovations is increasingly common. This is a practical guide on how to use treatment effect estimates from a large number of experiments to improve estimates of the effects of each experiment. When...