
Showing 9,761-9,780 of 16,356 items.

Using Online Prices for Measuring Real Consumption across Countries

By Alberto Cavallo, W. Erwin Diewert, Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar, and Marcel P. Timmer

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

We show that online prices can be used to construct quarterly purchasing power parities (PPPs) with a closely matched set of goods and identical methodologies in a variety of developed and developing countries. Our results are close to those reported by t...

Can Information Change Personal Retirement Savings? Evidence from Social Security Benefits Statement Mailings

By Susan Payne Carter and William Skimmyhorn

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

Despite concern about the viability of public retirement programs and potential undersaving for retirement, we still know little about the impact of government provided information on individual behavior. We exploit plausibly exogenous variation in exposu...

China's New National Carbon Market

By William A. Pizer and Xiliang Zhang

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2018

On December 19, 2017, China announced the official start of its national emissions trading system (ETS) construction program. When fully implemented, this program will more than double the volume of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions covered by either tax...

Searching for Service

By Maarten C. W. Janssen and T. Tony Ke

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2020

Since Telser (1960), there is a well-established argument that a competitive market will not provide service due to freeriding. We show that with search frictions, the market may well provide service if the cost of doing so is not too large. Any market eq...