
Showing 9,841-9,860 of 16,356 items.

International Recessions

By Fabrizio Perri and Vincenzo Quadrini

American Economic Review, April 2018

Macro developments leading up to the 2008 crisis displayed an unprecedented degree of international synchronization. Before the crisis, all G7 countries experienced credit growth and, around the time of the Lehman bankruptcy, they all faced sharp and larg...

Bargaining and News

By Brendan Daley and Brett Green

American Economic Review, February 2020

We study a bargaining model in which a buyer makes frequent offers to a privately informed seller, while gradually learning about the seller's type from "news." We show that the buyer's ability to leverage this information to extract more surplus from the...

Slow Moving Debt Crises

By Guido Lorenzoni and Iván Werning

American Economic Review, September 2019

We study slow moving debt crises: self-fulfilling equilibria in which high interest rates, due to the fear of a future default, lead to a gradual but faster accumulation of debt, ultimately validating investors' fear. We show that slow moving crises arise...

Oil and Macroeconomic (In)stability

By Hilde C. Bjørnland, Vegard H. Larsen, and Junior Maih

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, October 2018

We analyze the role of oil price volatility in reducing U.S. macroeconomic instability. Using a Markov Switching Rational Expectation New-Keynesian model we revisit the timing of the Great Moderation and the sources of changes in the volatility of macroec...

An Economist's Guide to Climate Change Science

[Symposium: Climate Change]

By Solomon Hsiang and Robert E. Kopp

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2018

This article provides a brief introduction to the physical science of climate change, aimed towards economists. We begin by describing the physics that controls global climate, how scientists measure and model the climate system, and the magnitude of huma...

Reducing Inequality through Dynamic Complementarity: Evidence from Head Start and Public School Spending

By Rucker C. Johnson and C. Kirabo Jackson

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2019

We compare the adult outcomes of cohorts who were differentially exposed to policy-induced changes in Head Start and K–12 spending, depending on place and year of birth. IV and sibling-difference estimates indicate that, for poor children, these policie...