
Showing 10,081-10,100 of 16,356 items.

Tax Evasion and Inequality

By Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen, and Gabriel Zucman

American Economic Review, June 2019

Drawing on a unique dataset of leaked customer lists from offshore financial institutions matched to administrative wealth records in Scandinavia, we show that offshore tax evasion is highly concentrated among the rich. The skewed distribution of offshore...

Job Search Periods for Welfare Applicants: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment

By Jonneke Bolhaar, Nadine Ketel, and Bas van der Klaauw

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2019

We combine a randomized experiment with administrative data to study the effects of mandatory job search periods in the Dutch welfare system. Job search periods postpone the first welfare benefits payment and encourage applicants to start searching for jo...

Liquidity Sentiments

By Vladimir Asriyan, William Fuchs, and Brett Green

American Economic Review, November 2019

We develop a rational theory of liquidity sentiments in which the market outcome in any given period depends on agents' expectations about market conditions in future periods. Our theory is based on the interaction between adverse selection and resale c...

Estimating Adjustment Frictions Using Nonlinear Budget Sets: Method and Evidence from the Earnings Test

By Alexander M. Gelber, Damon Jones, and Daniel W. Sacks

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2020

We introduce a method for estimating the cost of adjusting earnings, as well as the earnings elasticity with respect to the net-of-tax share. Our method uses information on bunching in the earnings distribution at convex budget set kinks before and after ...

Market Failure in Kidney Exchange

By Nikhil Agarwal, Itai Ashlagi, Eduardo Azevedo, Clayton R. Featherstone, and Ömer Karaduman

American Economic Review, November 2019

We show that kidney exchange markets suffer from market failures whose remedy could increase transplants by 30 to 63 percent. First, we document that the market is fragmented and inefficient; most transplants are arranged by hospitals instead of national ...

Dynamic Non-monetary Incentives

By Daniel Bird and Alexander Frug

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2019

We study a principal-agent interaction where investments and rewards arrive stochastically over time and are privately observed by the agent. Investments (costly for the agent, beneficial for the principal) can be concealed by the agent. Rewards (benefici...

Proposition 13: An Equilibrium Analysis

By Ayşe İmrohoroğlu, Kyle Matoba, and Şelale Tüzel

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2018

There are many federal, state, and local laws that distort housing decisions and prices. However, it is often difficult to tease out the quantitative impact of such policies. In this paper, we examine the implications of one of the most significant tax ch...

Honesty via Choice-Matching

By Jakša Cvitanić, Dražen Prelec, Blake Riley, and Benjamin Tereick

American Economic Review: Insights, September 2019

We introduce choice-matching, a class of mechanisms for eliciting honest responses to a multiple choice question (MCQ), as might appear in a market research study, opinion poll, or economics experiment. Under choice-matching, respondents are compensated t...