
Showing 10,121-10,140 of 16,349 items.

Sovereign Debt and Structural Reforms

By Andreas Müller, Kjetil Storesletten, and Fabrizio Zilibotti

American Economic Review, December 2019

We construct a dynamic theory of sovereign debt and structural reforms with limited enforcement and moral hazard. A sovereign country in recession wishes to smooth consumption. It can also undertake costly reforms to speed up recovery. The sovereign can r...

Monopsony in Online Labor Markets

By Arindrajit Dube, Jeff Jacobs, Suresh Naidu, and Siddharth Suri

American Economic Review: Insights, March 2020

Despite the seemingly low switching and search costs of on-demand labor markets like Amazon Mechanical Turk, we find substantial monopsony power, as measured by the elasticity of labor supply facing the requester (employer). We isolate plausibly exogenous...

The Race to the Base

By Dan Bernhardt, Peter Buisseret, and Sinem Hidir

American Economic Review, March 2020

We study multi-district legislative elections between two office-seeking parties when one party has an initial valence advantage that may shift and even reverse during the campaign; and, each party cares not only about winning a majority, but also about i...