
Showing 10,161-10,180 of 16,349 items.

How Prevalent Is Downward Rigidity in Nominal Wages? International Evidence from Payroll Records and Pay Slips

By Michael W. L. Elsby and Gary Solon

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2019

For more than 80 years, many macroeconomic analyses have been premised on the assumption that workers' nominal wage rates cannot be cut. Contrary evidence from household surveys reasonably has been discounted on the grounds that the measurement of frequen...

Who Pays for the Minimum Wage?

By Peter Harasztosi and Attila Lindner

American Economic Review, August 2019

This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the margins along which firms responded to a large and persistent minimum wage increase in Hungary. We show that employment elasticities are negative but small even four years after the reform; that around...

Microeconomic Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Shocks

[Symposium: Macroeconomics a Decade after the Great Recession]

By Greg Kaplan and Giovanni L. Violante

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2018

In this essay, we discuss the emerging literature in macroeconomics that combines heterogeneous agent models, nominal rigidities, and aggregate shocks. This literature opens the door to the analysis of distributional issues, economic fluctuations, and sta...

Do Increasing Markups Matter? Lessons from Empirical Industrial Organization

[Symposium: Markups]

By Steven Berry, Martin Gaynor, and Fiona Scott Morton

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2019

This article considers the recent literature on firm markups in light of both new and classic work in the field of industrial organization. We detail the shortcomings of papers that rely on discredited approaches from the "structure-conduct-performance"...

Nonmonetary Incentives and the Implications of Work as a Source of Meaning

[Symposium: Incentives in the Workplace]

By Lea Cassar and Stephan Meier

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2018

Empirical research in economics has begun to explore the idea that workers care about nonmonetary aspects of work. An increasing number of economic studies using survey and experimental methods have shown that nonmonetary incentives and nonpecuniary aspec...

Measuring the Effects of Corporate Tax Cuts

[Symposium: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act]

By Alan J. Auerbach

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2018

On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the most sweeping revision of US tax law since the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The law introduced many significant changes. However, perhaps none was as important as the c...