
Showing 10,221-10,240 of 16,349 items.

The Political Legacy of Entertainment TV

By Ruben Durante, Paolo Pinotti, and Andrea Tesei

American Economic Review, July 2019

We study the political impact of commercial television in Italy exploiting the staggered introduction of Berlusconi's private TV network, Mediaset, in the early 1980s. We find that individuals with early access to Mediaset all-entertainment content were m...

Bad Investments and Missed Opportunities? Postwar Capital Flows to Asia and Latin America

By Lee E. Ohanian, Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria, and Mark L. J. Wright

American Economic Review, December 2018

After World War II, international capital flowed into slow-growing Latin America rather than fast-growing Asia. This is surprising as, everything else equal, fast growth should imply high capital returns. This paper develops a capital flow accounting fram...

Nondogmatic Social Discounting

By Antony Millner

American Economic Review, March 2020

The long-run social discount rate has an enormous effect on the value of climate mitigation, infrastructure projects, and other long-term public policies. Its value is however highly contested, in part because of normative disagreements about social time ...

The Twin Ds: Optimal Default and Devaluation

By Seunghoon Na, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Martín Uribe, and Vivian Yue

American Economic Review, July 2018

A salient characteristic of sovereign defaults is that they are typically accompanied by large devaluations. This paper presents new evidence of this empirical regularity known as the Twin Ds and proposes a model that rationalizes it as an optimal policy ...