
Showing 11,281-11,300 of 16,351 items.

Decompositions and Policy Consequences of an Extraordinary Decline in Air Pollution from Electricity Generation

By Stephen P. Holland, Erin T. Mansur, Nicholas Z. Muller, and Andrew J. Yates

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2020

Using integrated assessment models, we calculate the economic value of the extraordinary decline in emissions from US power plants. Annual local and global air pollution damages fell from 245 to 133 billion USD over 2010–2017. Decomposition shows change...

Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment

By David K. Levine and Andrea Mattozzi

American Economic Review, October 2020

We introduce a model where social norms of voting participation are strategically chosen by competing political parties and determine voters' turnout. Social norms must be enforced through costly peer monitoring and punishment. When the cost of enforcemen...

A 30-Year Perspective on Property Derivatives: What Can Be Done to Tame Property Price Risk?

By Frank J. Fabozzi, Robert J. Shiller, and Radu S. Tunaru

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2020

The housing sector is the largest spot market in the world without a developed derivative contract to serve the risk management needs of market participants. This paper describes the evolution within a wider economic context of property derivatives in the...

Welfare Analysis Meets Causal Inference

By Amy Finkelstein and Nathaniel Hendren

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2020

We describe a framework for empirical welfare analysis that uses the causal estimates of a policy's impact on net government spending. This framework provides guidance for which causal effects are (and are not) needed for empirical welfare analysis of pub...

Business Incomes at the Top

[Symposium: How Much Income and Wealth Inequality?]

By Wojciech Kopczuk and Eric Zwick

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2020

Business income constitutes a large and increasing share of income and wealth at the top of the distribution. We discuss how tax policy treats and shapes how businesses are organized and how they distribute economic gains to owners, with the focus on clos...

The Rise of Income and Wealth Inequality in America: Evidence from Distributional Macroeconomic Accounts

[Symposium: How Much Income and Wealth Inequality?]

By Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2020

This paper studies inequality in America through the lens of distributional macroeconomic accounts—comprehensive distributions of the aggregate amount of income and wealth recorded in the official macroeconomic accounts of the United States. We use th...

Growing Income Inequality in the United States and Other Advanced Economies

[Symposium: How Much Income and Wealth Inequality?]

By Florian Hoffmann, David S. Lee, and Thomas Lemieux

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2020

This paper studies the contribution of both labor and non-labor income in the growth in income inequality in the United States and large European economies. The paper first shows that the capital to labor income ratio disproportionately increased among ...