
Showing 1,481-1,500 of 16,338 items.

Is a Cambrian Explosion Coming for Robotics?

[Symposium: Automation and Labor Markets]

By Gill A. Pratt

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2015

About half a billion years ago, life on earth experienced a short period of very rapid diversification called the "Cambrian Explosion." Many theories have been proposed for the cause of the Cambrian Explosion, one of the most provocative being the evolu...

Micro Effects of Macro Announcements: Real-Time Price Discovery in Foreign Exchange

By Torben G. Andersen, Tim Bollerslev, Francis X. Diebold, and Clara Vega

American Economic Review, March 2003

Using a new data set consisting of six years of real-time exchange-rate quotations, macroeconomic expectations, and macroeconomic realizations, we characterize the conditional means of U.S. dollar spot exchange rates. In particular, we find that announcem...

Lessons on Monetary Policy from the 1980s

[Symposium: Monetary Lessons of the 1980s]

By Benjamin M. Friedman

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1988

The half-decade running from mid-1982 to mid-1987 was a pretty good era for U.S. monetary policy, as these things go. Even the severe 1981-82 recession served its intended purpose of substantially restoring price stability. At least as judged by the outco...

Strategic Interaction and Networks

By Yann Bramoullé, Rachel Kranton, and Martin D'Amours

American Economic Review, March 2014

Geography and social links shape economic interactions. In industries, schools, and markets, the entire network determines outcomes. This paper analyzes a large class of games and obtains a striking result. Equilibria depend on a single network measure:...