
Showing 1,721-1,740 of 16,568 items.

A Theory of Military Dictatorships

By Daron Acemoglu, Davide Ticchi, and Andrea Vindigni

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2010

We investigate how nondemocratic regimes use the military and how this can lead to the emergence of military dictatorships. The elite may build a strong military and make the concessions necessary for the military to behave as their perfect agent, or t...

Forced Sales and House Prices

By John Y. Campbell, Stefano Giglio, and Parag Pathak

American Economic Review, August 2011

This paper uses data on all house transactions in Massachusetts over the last 20 years to show that houses sold after foreclosure, or close in time to the death or bankruptcy of a seller, are sold at lower prices than other houses. Foreclosure discounts a...

Measuring Uncertainty

By Kyle Jurado, Sydney C. Ludvigson, and Serena Ng

American Economic Review, March 2015

This paper exploits a data rich environment to provide direct econometric estimates of time-varying macroeconomic uncertainty. Our estimates display significant independent variations from popular uncertainty proxies, suggesting that much of the variation...

Trade and Manufacturing Jobs in Germany

By Wolfgang Dauth, Sebastian Findeisen, and Jens Suedekum

American Economic Review, May 2017

The German economy exhibits rising service and declining manufacturing employment, but this decline is much sharper in import-competing than export-oriented branches. We first document the individual-level job transitions behind those trends. They are not...

Women's Work and Economic Development

[Symposium: Women and the Labor Market]

By Kristin Mammen and Christina Paxson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2000

Using a cross-country dataset and microdata from India and Thailand, we examine how women's work status changes with economic development. Several clear patterns emerge: women's labor force participation first declines and then rises with development; wom...