
Showing 1,741-1,760 of 16,341 items.

Women's Work and Economic Development

[Symposium: Women and the Labor Market]

By Kristin Mammen and Christina Paxson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 2000

Using a cross-country dataset and microdata from India and Thailand, we examine how women's work status changes with economic development. Several clear patterns emerge: women's labor force participation first declines and then rises with development; wom...

Political Campaigns and Big Data

[Symposium: Big Data]

By David W. Nickerson and Todd Rogers

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2014

Modern campaigns develop databases of detailed information about citizens to inform electoral strategy and to guide tactical efforts. Despite sensational reports about the value of individual consumer data, the most valuable information campaigns acquire ...

Efficient Patent Pools

By Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole

American Economic Review, June 2004

The paper builds a tractable model of patent pools, agreements among patent owners to license sets of their patents. It provides a necessary and sufficient condition for patent pools to enhance welfare and shows that requiring pool members to be able to i...

Cheating Ourselves: The Economics of Tax Evasion

[Symposium: U.S. Tax Policy in International Perspective]

By Joel Slemrod

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2007

No government can announce a tax system and then rely on taxpayers' sense of duty to remit what is owed. Some dutiful people will undoubtedly pay what they owe, but many others will not. Over time the ranks of the dutiful will shrink, as they see how th...

Trade Costs

By James E. Anderson and Eric van Wincoop

Journal of Economic Literature, September 2004

This paper surveys the measurement of trade costs: what we know and don't know but may usefully attempt to learn. Partial and incomplete data on direct measures of costs go with inference on implicit costs from trade flows and prices. Total trade costs in...