
Showing 3,121-3,140 of 16,341 items.

Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity

By Klaus Desmet, Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín, and Romain Wacziarg

American Economic Review, September 2017

We investigate the empirical relationship between ethnicity and culture, defined as a vector of traits reflecting norms, values, and attitudes. Using survey data for 76 countries, we find that ethnic identity is a significant predictor of cultural values,...

Search at the Margin

By José A. Carrasco and Lones Smith

American Economic Review, October 2017

We extend search theory to multiple indivisible units and perfectly divisible assets, solving them respectively with induction and recursion. Buyer demands and prices are random, and the seller can partially exercise orders. With divisible assets, the Bel...

Up in Smoke: The Influence of Household Behavior on the Long-Run Impact of Improved Cooking Stoves

By Rema Hanna, Esther Duflo, and Michael Greenstone

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, February 2016

Laboratory studies suggest that improved cooking stoves can reduce indoor air pollution, improve health, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. We provide evidence, from a large-scale randomized trial in India, on the benefits of a...

Probabilistic Patents

[Symposium: Intellectual Property Rights]

By Mark A. Lemley and Carl Shapiro

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 2005

Economists often assume that a patent gives its owner a well-defined legal right to exclude others from practicing the invention described in the patent. In practice, however, the rights afforded to patent holders are highly uncertain. Under patent law, a...

Line-Item Veto: Where Is Thy Sting?

By John R. Carter and David Schap

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1990

Proponents of giving the president the authority to use a line-item veto argue that the institutional change is needed to limit special-interest legislation and restrain spending. Opponents respond that it would grant too much added power to the president...