
Showing 3,181-3,200 of 16,341 items.

Call Market Experiments: Efficiency and Price Discovery through Multiple Calls and Emergent Newton Adjustments

By Charles R. Plott and Kirill Pogorelskiy

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2017

We study multiple-unit, laboratory experimental call markets in which orders are cleared by a single price at a scheduled "call." The markets are independent trading "days" with two calls each day preceded by a continuous and public order flow. Markets ap...

Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough?

By Thomas F. Hellmann, Kevin C. Murdock, and Joseph E. Stiglitz

American Economic Review, March 2000

In a dynamic model of moral hazard, competition can undermine prudent bank behavior. While capital-requirement regulation can induce prudent behavior, the policy yields Pareto-inefficient outcomes. Capital requirements reduce gambling incentives by puttin...

Credible Commitment to Optimal Escape from a Liquidity Trap: The Role of the Balance Sheet of an Independent Central Bank

By Olivier Jeanne and Lars E. O. Svensson

American Economic Review, March 2007

Central banks target CPI inflation; independent central banks are concerned about their balance sheet and the level of their capital. The first fact makes it difficult for a central bank to implement the optimal escape from a liquidity trap, because it un...