
Showing 2,201-2,220 of 16,341 items.

The Effect of Unemployment Benefits on the Duration of Unemployment Insurance Receipt: New Evidence from a Regression Kink Design in Missouri, 2003-2013

By David Card, Andrew Johnston, Pauline Leung, Alexandre Mas, and Zhuan Pei

American Economic Review, May 2015

We provide new evidence on the effect of the unemployment insurance (UI) weekly benefit amount on unemployment insurance spells based on administrative data from the state of Missouri covering the period 2003-2013. Identification comes from a regression k...

Credit Market Consequences of Improved Personal Identification: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi

By Xavier Giné, Jessica Goldberg, and Dean Yang

American Economic Review, October 2012

We implemented a randomized field experiment in Malawi examining borrower responses to being fingerprinted when applying for loans. This intervention improved the lender's ability to implement dynamic repayment incentives, allowing it to withhold future l...

Cheap Talk

By Joseph Farrell and Matthew Rabin

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1996

Economists often ask how private information is shared through markets, costly signaling, and other mechanisms. Yet most information sharing is done through ordinary, informal talk. Economists are inconsistent in their view of such 'cheap talk': sometimes...

Technological Diversification

By Miklós Koren and Silvana Tenreyro

American Economic Review, February 2013

Economies at early stages of development are frequently shaken by large changes in growth rates, whereas advanced economies tend to experience relatively stable growth rates. To explain this pattern, we propose a model of technological diversification....

Welfare and Trade without Pareto

By Keith Head, Thierry Mayer, and Mathias Thoenig

American Economic Review, May 2014

Quantifications of gains from trade in heterogeneous firm models assume that productivity is Pareto distributed. Replacing this assumption with log-normal heterogeneity retains some useful Pareto features, while providing a substantially better fit to sal...

Productivity and Postwar U.S. Economic Growth

[Symposium: The Slowdown in Productivity Growth]

By Dale W. Jorgenson

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1988

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sources of postwar U.S. economic growth. The findings presented here allocate more than three-fourths of U.S. economic growth during the period 1948-1979 to growth of capital and labor inputs and less than one-f...

The Trouble with Stock Options

[Symposium: Stock Options]

By Brian J. Hall and Kevin J. Murphy

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2003

The benefits of stock options are often not large enough to offset the inefficiency implied by the large divergence between the cost of options to companies and the value of options to risk-averse, undiversified executives and employees. Moreover, the ben...