
Showing 2,181-2,200 of 16,341 items.

Complexity and Economic Policy: A Paradigm Shift or a Change in Perspective? A Review Essay on David Colander and Roland Kupers's Complexity and the Art of Public Policy

By Alan Kirman

Journal of Economic Literature, June 2016

In their recent book, Colander and Kupers (2014) argue that viewing the economy as a complex adaptive system should change the way in which we make economic policy. This would necessitate a paradigm shift. Economics has, over time, tried to produce a cohe...

Do Cash Transfers Improve Birth Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Vital Statistics, Program, and Social Security Data

By Verónica Amarante, Marco Manacorda, Edward Miguel, and Andrea Vigorito

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2016

There is limited empirical evidence on whether cash transfers to poor pregnant women improve children's birth outcomes and potentially help weaken the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Using a unique array of program and social security administrativ...

Microcredit Impacts: Evidence from a Randomized Microcredit Program Placement Experiment by Compartamos Banco

By Manuela Angelucci, Dean Karlan, and Jonathan Zinman

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2015

We use a clustered randomized trial, and over 16,000 household surveys, to estimate impacts at the community level from a group lending expansion at 110 percent APR by the largest microlender in Mexico. We find no evidence of transformative impacts on 37 ...

The Nation in Depression

[Symposium: The Great Depression]

By Christina D. Romer

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1993

This paper examines the American Great Depression and the ways in which the U.S. experience during the 1930s resembled that of other countries in some regards and fundamentally differed in other aspects. I also evaluate the evidence on the causes of the G...