
Showing 2,081-2,100 of 16,341 items.

US Trade and Inventory Dynamics

By George Alessandria, Joseph P. Kaboski, and Virgiliu Midrigan

American Economic Review, May 2011

We examine the source of the large fall and rebound in US trade in the recent recession. While trade fell and rebounded more than expenditures or production of traded goods, we find that relative to the magnitude of the downturn, these trade fluctuations ...

Riding the South Sea Bubble

By Peter Temin and Hans-Joachim Voth

American Economic Review, December 2004

This paper presents a case study of a well-informed investor in the South Sea bubble. We argue that Hoare's Bank, a fledgling West End London bank, knew that a bubble was in progress and nonetheless invested in the stock: it was profitable to "ride the bu...

Fiscal Policy, Profits, and Investment

By Alberto Alesina, Silvia Ardagna, Roberto Perotti, and Fabio Schiantarelli

American Economic Review, June 2002

This paper evaluates the effects of fiscal policy on investment using a panel of OECD countries. We find a sizeable negative effect of public spending—and in particular of its wage component—on profits and on business investment. This result is consis...